Welcome to the African Open Science Platform

The Africa Open Science Platform (AOSP) was established in 2017 with an aim to position African scientists at the cutting edge of data intensive science by stimulating interactivity and creating opportunity through the development of efficiencies of scale, building critical mass through shared capacities, and amplifying impact through a commonality of purpose and voice. Since 2020, the AOSP Project Office is hosted by the National Research Foundation, and is supported by the South African Department of Science and Innovation, the International Science Council, CODATA, the Academy of Science of South Africa, Bibliotheca Alexandria and other prominent regional networks.

The Governing Council

The African Open Science is pleased to announce the appoint of its first Governing Council. AOSP was initially governed by an Advisory Council throughout its inception and pilot. The council appointment is a three-year term with effect from April 2023 to March 2026.

Latest News

Here you will find announcements, news, articles and projects on open science.